All courses

MAGIC001 Reflection Groups

MAGIC002 Differential topology and Morse theory

MAGIC003 Introduction to Linear Analysis

MAGIC004 Applications of model theory to algebra and geometry

MAGIC005 Operads and topological conformal field theories

MAGIC006 Compact Riemann Surfaces

MAGIC007 An introduction to linear algebraic groups

MAGIC008 Lie groups and Lie algebras

MAGIC009 Category Theory

MAGIC010 Ergodic Theory

MAGIC011 Manifolds and homology

MAGIC012 Cohomology of groups

MAGIC013 Matrix Analysis

MAGIC014 Hydrodynamic Stability Theory

MAGIC015 Introduction to Numerical Analysis

MAGIC016 An introduction to quantum information

MAGIC017 Solitons in relativistic field theory

MAGIC018 Linear Differential Operators in Mathematical Physics

MAGIC019 Markov Decision Processes with Applications

MAGIC020 Dynamical Systems

MAGIC021 Nonlinear Waves

MAGIC022 Mathematical Methods

MAGIC023 Integrable systems

MAGIC024 A geometric view of classical physics

MAGIC025 Continuum Mechanics

MAGIC027 Curves and Singularities

MAGIC028 Geometric Structures on surfaces and Teichmuller Space

MAGIC029 Numerical Analysis and Methods

MAGIC037 Local fields

MAGIC038 The algebraic theory of quadratic forms

MAGIC039 Introduction to Quantum Graphs

MAGIC040 Operator Algebras

MAGIC041 An Introduction to Singular Perturbation Theory

MAGIC042 Stochastic mathematical modelling in biology

MAGIC043 Banach spaces and Fredholm theory

MAGIC044 Complex Differential Geometry

MAGIC045 Linear and nonlinear (M)HD waves and oscillations

MAGIC046 Introduction to Equivariant Bifurcation Theory

MAGIC047 Introduction to Markov processes and Poisson equations

MAGIC048 Quantum Statistics

MAGIC049 Modular Forms

MAGIC050 Set Theory

MAGIC051 Discrete Integrable Systems

MAGIC052 Topological Fluid Mechanics

MAGIC053 Sheaf Cohomology

MAGIC054 Applied stochastic processes

MAGIC055 Integrable Systems

MAGIC056 Introduction to the theory of pdes for applied mathematics

MAGIC057 Spectral Theory of Ordinary Differential Operators

MAGIC058 Theory of Partial Differential Equations

MAGIC059 Dynamical Systems: Flows

MAGIC060 Dynamical Systems: Maps

MAGIC061 Functional Analysis

MAGIC062 Introductory Functional Analysis

MAGIC063 Differentiable Manifolds

MAGIC064 Algebraic Topology

MAGIC065 Stochastic Processes

MAGIC066 Numerical Analysis

MAGIC067 Integrable Systems

MAGIC069 Introduction to Quantum Information

MAGIC070 Singularities in symplectic and contact spaces

MAGIC071 Erlangen program in geometry and analysis: SL(2,R) case study

MAGIC072 Number Theory

MAGIC073 Commutative Algebra

MAGIC074 Algebraic Geometry

MAGIC075 Representation Theory of Groups

MAGIC076 The Heisenberg group in mathematics and physics

MAGIC077 Spectral Theory: Applications to Laplacian in Euclidean Space

MAGIC079 Inverse Problems

MAGIC080 Geometric Mechanics

MAGIC081 String Theory

MAGIC082 Banach spaces of analytic functions

MAGIC083 Integrable Systems

MAGIC084 Singularity Theory

MAGIC085 Metric Number Theory

MAGIC086 Turing Computability and Beyond

MAGIC087 Applied Algebraic Topology

MAGIC088 Banach spaces and operator ideals

MAGIC089 Stochastic Processes

MAGIC090 Introduction to Continuum Mechanics

MAGIC091 Mathematical Biology

MAGIC092 Introduction to superfluids and turbulence

MAGIC093 Markov Processes

MAGIC094 Classical Wavelet Theory

MAGIC095 Calculus of Variations

MAGIC096 Spectra and geometry of graphs and networks

MAGIC097 Theory of conservation laws and critical phenomena

MAGIC098 Adaptive Finite Element Methods

MAGIC099 Numerical methods in Python

MAGIC100 Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations

MAGIC101 Advanced Quantum Theory

MAGIC102 Slow viscous flow

MAGIC103 Cohomology of groups

MAGIC104 Combinatorial limits

MAGIC105 Symplectic Geometry

MAGIC106 Optimal Control and Reinforcement Learning: Theory, Numerical Methods, and Applications

MAGIC107 Computability Theory and Reverse Mathematics

MAGIC108 Real and Complex Reflection Groups

MAGIC109 Introduction to Hopf algebras and quantum groups

MAGIC110 Complexity of Classification Problems

MAGIC111 Introduction to set-theoretic solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation and skew braces

MAGIC112 Computational Algebra and Geometry

MAGIC113 Introduction to Mathematical Modelling of Liquid Crystal Elastomers

MAGIC114 Solar Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and Structures of the Magnetic Field

MAGIC115 Lusztig’s conjecture